Contests not only offer clients a chance to win prizes, but also drive more business to your product fulfillment company. Doing a sweepstakes or other contest falls under the banner of direct marketing solutions, and like other direct marketing tasks, it requires some effort in order for it to be successful.
Skill-Testing Question
A good contest requires knowing what the prize will be, how people can participate, and how you can determine the results. Also decide if the contest is open to anyone or if entry requires being a paying client.
If you’re familiar with older sweepstakes in product fulfillment, most were done via mail order fulfillment, with cards being sent to clients, who then fill them out and mail them back. But in the present, e-mail lists mean you can perform contests via the Internet, saving money from not having to pay to produce and send cards. The results will also be easier to collect and organize.
The prizes you offer should fit your clients’ tastes; something basic like a gift basket won’t cut it. And if you’re offering big prizes, such as a vacation package or a large sum of money, make sure you can afford to do so.
If you’ve never done a sweepstakes before, be sure to know the legalities of running one; based on rules and regulations, some states and/or countries may have to be excldued. Consider seeking legal consultation before the sweepstakes is underway to help you write the rules.
Some Restrictions Apply
If this sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is. And while you might be able to run the contest through your existing product fulfillment services and direct marketing, you might find it difficult to handle alone.
If this is your business, don’t worry; there are many businesses designed solely to help manage sweepstakes that you can enlist the services of. Choose one with a solid reputation, that has a connection to supply chain companies, that has quality data collection tools, and that has its own sweepstakes order fulfillment center or client care center. If it all works out, you and your sweepstakes partner can expand your sweepstakes campaigns to generate more interest and, as a result, profit.
Need solutions to your product fulfillment problems? APS Fulfillment, Inc. has the knowledge and services to make your direct mail and product fulfillment ventures more successful. Contact APS Fulfillment, Inc. by e-mail at [email protected], visit their web site at, or phone toll free at (954) 582-7450.