On the Contrary
Today it’s all about screens, at least according to the critics. If you’ve got any information of value, it’s best to get it published on the nearest digital format you possibly can. Print is bad for the environment, costly, and, above all, dead. Again, that’s what the critics say.
Well, the critics aren’t always right.
While it is true that a lot of print media has fallen by the wayside, it’s not yet time to nail its coffin shut.
Quite the contrary. If you still manage to get a magazine, pizza coupon page, or store catalog in the mail, then you know that print is still alive and well.
Product fulfillment professionals should stay on top of this. In fact, there is a necessity for knowledge of print media and digital formats together, thus necessitating product fulfillment pros to put one hand in the past and one in the future to provide good services to their clients.
Interestingly, a lot of product fulfillment pros either negate or are downright unsure about how to use digital printing services for their own product fulfillment services. They often need some sort of coaching or third party to help them fulfill their printing needs for client or marketing tasks. That’s where you come in. Having great digital printing solutions is one way you can provide great product fulfillment to clients and peers alike.
Ready and On Demand
With professional digital printing, it’s all about product fulfillment pros having the necessary digital printing solutions. Not only that, you’ve got to be ready for on demand digital printing to get printing out at any time. People will come to you for both and expect you to deliver.
Digital printing solutions can allow you to have printing design facilities right in house. There are a lot of digital printing programs that you can get for computers that you can use to design all matter of print material—brochures, catalogs, flyers, etc. The interface is all-digital and you can work with your clients to get the designs they want and make changes as you go. From there, you can use those digital files to print off the media itself.
On demand digital printing is again a great digital format. Orders for print material can come in at a moment’s notice with a request that you “have it ready yesterday.” While normally you would switch into panic mode, on demand digital printing can take away that stress thanks to digital formats. You can print off the media that you need when it’s needed as a professional legal or tax publisher might to get books or compendiums out to clients when they are requested. It’s good to have on hand, and you can service those who need this print material fast.
Goin’ South
There’s no shame if you aren’t hip to digital printing services—in fact, many product fulfillment pros aren’t. However, getting onto some printing mechanism training or re-outfitting your product fulfillment machinery with some digital printing services technology is a good place to begin to start the process.
And without waving our flags too high, if you’re looking for some help with your digital printing solutions or any printing services at all, contact us. With the best printing services in Miami, APS Fulfillment offers the best printing solutions for product fulfillment pros. We can show you how to put the power into your printed pages—it’s what we do.
Need solutions to your product fulfillment problems? APS Fulfillment, Inc has the knowledge and services to make your direct mail and product fulfillment ventures more successful. Contact APS Fulfillment, Inc by e-mail at [email protected], visit its web site at www.apsfulfillment.com, or call (954) 582-7450.