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Category Archives: E-Commerce Fulfillment

Factors to Consider before Selecting Your Fulfillment Warehouse Location

selection criteria for warehouse locationIt's no surprise that fast shipping is the new norm, and customers expect that service when they order products online. It may not seem like a big deal, but the factors affecting the location of a warehouse directly impact your success as an e-commerce business. Location plays a major role in reducing transit time, saving you money, and allowing you to provide for your customers within a shorter span of time. Your entire business needs to be focused on the customer if you want to keep up with your competitors. If you choose to handle your own order fulfillment, you...
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How Can Fulfillment Centers Help Increase Sales?

Whether you’re an established business that’s been building your customer base for years or a small start-up that’s looking to establish its first few customers to begin building it up, there’s one thing that rings true for either business, and all those in-between—employing a fulfillment center can help grow your business, and maintain it in the long run. It’s true that fulfillment centers in the U.S.A. can help improve the experience of your customers, but they can also help increase sales. E-commerce fulfillment services have quickly been discovered as one of the most efficient ways companies can win over customers,...
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How Do I Know My e-Commerce Business Is Ready for a 3PL Partner?

When contemplating partnering up with third-party fulfillment company, it’s crucial that you begin your partnership at the right time. E-commerce fulfillment companies can vastly improve the efficiency of your supply chain, and actually benefit your company in a number of ways. In addition to taking care of warehouse and shipping logistics, it can help decrease the number of late or wrong deliveries, provide scalable solutions, and manage poor product return management. If you’ve been thinking about third-party fulfillment partners and whether you need one, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading to find out whether it’s the right...
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Does My Small e-Commerce Business Need 3PL Services?

So, you have a small startup e-commerce company and you’ve been handling the fulfillment on your own. Now things are starting to pick up and you can’t seem to keep up anymore—but is it the right time to hire a 3PL e-commerce fulfillment company? E-commerce fulfillment companies can provide you with all the supply chain services you need to keep up with your orders, but is it worth outsources these services? Would you be better off investing in a supply chain of your own, and handling all e-commerce fulfillment services in-house? If your company is small and still in its...
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Reasons for e-Commerce Merchandise Returns

Did you know that there are some acceptable reasons for returns? There is a sweet spot of around 13% for the average e-commerce return rate, and it can actually lead to higher sales per customer. Unfortunately, if e-commerce product returns are high, it can mean a headache for your sales department. There are many reasons for e-commerce order returns, including the delivery of incorrect merchandise, customer behavior, damaged products, wardrobing, a delay in order fulfillment, and more. Here are some of the most common reasons for merchandise returns, and advice on how to reduce the return rate. (more…)
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How to Plan Inventory for Your e-Commerce Business

As the demands of e-commerce businesses grow, so do their needs for inventory management. To to learn more about the importance of inventory management and e-commerce inventory best practices, keep on reading. The Importance of Inventory Management for e-Commerce E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry, as online sales continue to increase at a steady pace. With the rising popularity of e-commerce sales, customers have come to expect a streamlined purchasing process similar to that of, or even more so, than it would be in-store. This means that businesses must be able to compete by efficiently serving customers online, offering cheap...
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Why Is Omnichannel Fulfillment Important for e-Businesses?

Omnichannel refers to the various ways customers can interact with a brand, be it online, in store, through a mobile app, over the phone, or by mail. Many brands have been expanding their reach to include omnichannel methods to appeal to a wider audience, explaining their rapid increase in popularity. Omnichannel fulfillment is a similar concept, except that it focuses on technology integration, freight management, reverse logistics, and inventory control when it comes to fulfillment services. Why should you bother with omnichannel fulfillment services, and why is it important for your business? Just keep on reading. (more…)
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What Is the Impact of e-Commerce in Reverse Logistics? One of the biggest operational challenges today is reverse logistics in e-commerce. This is due to the volume and cost of processing product returns. The growth of returns is a result of the rise of e-commerce at the consumer level, as well as more and more brands offering free shipping. Because of this, retailers are realizing that they need to keep up with the growing number of product returns by improving their e-commerce reverse logistics. Here are some areas where e-commerce in reverse logistics is impacting businesses. (more…)
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Shipping Tips that e-Commerce Beginners Must Know

Mastering your e-commerce shipping solutions will improve your business in ways beyond your imagination. The act of managing to ship, from packing orders to monitoring expenses, can lead you to success and is one of the most important operations for small- to medium-sized business owners. The following shipping tips for e-commerce will help you start improving your operations like never before. Implement these to set up your dream e-commerce shipping company. (more…)
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What Is Reverse Logistics and Why Is It Important in e-Commerce?

APS Fulfillment Reverse LogisticsThere are many specific terms one might come across when considering e-commerce—one of those terms is reverse logistics. But what exactly is reverse logistics, and what does it have to do with e-commerce? Fortunately, we’ve broken down all the important details about reverse logistics in e-commerce and what the concept encompasses. What Is Reverse Logistics? Simply put, reverse logistics in e-commerce refers to the return process. The process of moving goods from their point of consumption back to their point of origin usually occurs for two reasons: disposal or recapturing value. This process can get complicated very quickly, which makes...
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