5 Fulfillment Lessons from the Apple Watch’s Marketing

Understanding the Fulfillment-Digital Currency Relationship
Even with the amount of digital media available today, it’s hard to fathom that we now have digital currency systems too. For fulfillment companies, digital transactions mean new opportunities, but also new challenges. Adapting to digital currency systems might take some getting used to, but may be necessary, as it will likely grow into a viable commercial medium–that is, if it isn’t already. E-Money Before, money was regulated and handled only by banks and the government. But now, with digital currency, the reach has expanded. (more…)
About Fulfillment Payment Options
While cash and checks may still be viable options, if you’re working in fulfillment, you have to employ the best payment tools and options available. You want to make sure you get paid in the most safe and secure fashion possible, but you also want to give your clients the best means of paying you. Customers appreciate having easy payment interfaces and will be more likely to use your fulfillment company again if they have that kind of flexibility. Below explains how to have options that are secure, easy, and quick. (more…)
5 Fulfillment Lessons from Black Friday
Black Friday 2014 had some interesting results, especially if you run a fulfillment business. Consider the following for your business, especially for when the next Black Friday comes along: 1. There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Prep Black Friday is all about shopping and you need to be prepared; this means distributing all your direct marketing, both digital and print, well in advance. It’s important to advertise all of your promotions so it’s clear what you’re offering. (more…)
Maintaining Retail-E-Commerce Fulfillment Duality
It’s possible you prefer to sell products via mail or a local outlet while being aware of the increase in favor for e-commerce fulfillment services. Both have equal advantages and disadvantages, so which do you choose? The answer is both. Not only is it possible to amalgamate mail-retail fulfillment with e-fulfillment services, but it’s actually a great way to diversify your operations and increase profits. Networks If you already understand retail and mail fulfillment solutions, you’re halfway there; now you just have to incorporate digital fulfillment. (more…)
Fulfillment Mobile App Design Tips
You might think that, as a fulfillment business, mobile apps aren’t of much use to your field. However, with the current increase in mobile-based e-commerce order fulfillment, you might want to think again, as Apps have their benefits. If you want to create an app for your business, consider the following: 1. Coding Depending on you and your employees’ skill with digital design, your app may not be created in-house. (more…)
The Impact of the iPhone 6 in Product Fulfillment
When Steve Jobs passed away almost three years ago, many thought that’d be the end of Apple releasing breakthrough products. But strong legacies survive, and now Apple has released the iPhone 6. This product will affect fulfillment companies in a positive way; it’s just a matter of adapting to new tech. Specs As one might imagine, the new iPhones are a bit different from the previous models. (more…)
The Power of Instagram for Fulfillment Companies
While Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn might be your business’ preferred social media web sites, there’s one you might be overlooking: Instagram. Instagram might seem like just a photo-friendly web site for teenagers, but for product fulfillment companies, it has true business potential. Here is some information and tips for using Instagram effectively for your company: (more…)
A Rough Guide to M-Commerce
Not even Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, could have imagined today’s technology. It seems all members of society now have the cool gizmos that Mr. Bond would have once used to save the world. Seemingly everything is now available in the palm of your hand. This is the primary aspect of the newest form of online business: mobile commerce, or “m-commerce,” wherein people make purchases on their tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices. If you have been having issues with e-commerce fulfillment and you’re concerned the addition of m-commerce will only make things more difficult, don’t worry; it’s...
The Advantages of Using Content Marketing
It’s ironic that in a field where visual media has never been more prominent, there’s perhaps never been a greater use of words. Despite critics saying that visual media is making us stupid, the information age has lived up to its goal of providing knowledge to the public. This has become important for marketers and product fulfillment companies. And now, studies are showing that clients want more legitimate information to help educate them in their consumer decisions. The use of informative content as marketing tools is called content marketing, and it can be an excellent way to improve business. (more…)