Outside the Box—The Creative Avenues of Product Fulfillment
Out of the Doldrums Aside from the occasional anomaly, the average person doesn’t like being bored. There’s unease, sadness, and an outright stagnation of mind when one gets bored. Whether people admit it or not, pretty much anything that’s produced from a bored state of mind isn’t going to be all that inspiring. While we live in a visually and sonically stimulating time—often a bombardment to the senses—people tend to gravitate to the more creative aspects of modern life. (more…)
Right Stuff: Tips for Having the Right Merchandise for Product Fulfillment
Good Goods The real romantics always say that “life is about more than just stuff and things.” They put human interaction, happiness, and love for one another ahead of any sort of material good. They say that there’s no comparison between inanimate objects and people’s emotions. And they’re right. There’s nothing like humans relating to one another and connecting on a personal level. It’s unbeatable. (more…)
Having It All—Doing the Most in Product Fulfillment
Heads Above So, you’re a product fulfillment professional, are you? That’s great. You should be proud. But, are you doing all that you can for your clients? Hopefully the above comment didn’t put you off—it was just meant for fun. However, it’s still not something to take lightly if you are serious about product fulfillment. If you are a product fulfillment pro, you should be able to answer that last question. (more…)
Postal Sources—Developing a Great Direct Mailing Plan for Product Fulfillment
Go Postal Nobody thinks in terms of the post anymore—even product fulfillment professionals. To be truthful, this notion of leaving the post in the past is a shame. There’s a lot to be gained from going through the mail. Obviously, society has been completely revolutionized by the digital arena. We are told that the Internet and everything involving microprocessors is the way to go for business success. It’s the wave of the future, right? (more…)
The Center of It: All the Best Product Fulfillment Services in Florida
Where the Action Is Location, location, location. When it comes to business, it’s hard not to generalize certain industries with certain places. If you think of Hollywood, the movie industry is ingrained into that city. With Paris, the cafe lifestyle is integral right down to that city’s streets. Today, Western Canada and Saudi Arabia are the oil giants. When it comes to business, location is obviously important. But what part of the world is command central for product fulfillment? If you are looking to get some services for yourself or do business with other product fulfillment pros, it would be...
Power on the Page—Good Printing Resource Ideas for Product Fulfillment Pros
On the Contrary Today it’s all about screens, at least according to the critics. If you’ve got any information of value, it’s best to get it published on the nearest digital format you possibly can. Print is bad for the environment, costly, and, above all, dead. Again, that’s what the critics say. Well, the critics aren’t always right. While it is true that a lot of print media has fallen by the wayside, it’s not yet time to nail its coffin shut. Quite the contrary. If you still manage to get a magazine, pizza coupon page, or store catalog in...
Go-To and Go-Between: The Beauty of Being a Third Party Product Fulfillment Pro
Remove Yourself from the Equation In product fulfillment, things can get pretty hectic, and everything can become hard to handle. And if you’re operating your own business, it can be a huge responsibility to hold it all together. There might come a time when you decide enough is enough. Doing all the cataloging, processing all the orders, and managing all of the lists among other jobs might wear you down so much that you find yourself in need of a different sort of job. You love product fulfillment, but need work that’s a bit less stressful. Well, you’re in luck....
Direct Hit—Bringing Life to Your Direct Marketing Business in This Day and Age
Separation of the Two When you tell people you’re in direct marketing or that you have a direct marketing company working for your own product fulfillment business, you might get a few puzzled looks. A lot of people think direct marketing isn’t as effective today or that it’s not something product fulfillment professionals should use to yield success. These people who look down on direct marketing often ride the high horse of digital business and tout themselves as the new slick business pros today. Well, good for them. In the meantime, you’ve got work to do. Contrary to what the...
Friendly Ghost in the Machine—Delivering the Best Kind of Product Fulfillment through E-Commerce
Digital Age This is the modern world—are you ready for it? That’s the question all professionals have been asking themselves, especially over the last few years. With the rise of digital technology and the decline of easy business techniques for success, today’s business pros have had to adapt to a lot of modern practices, whether they wanted to or not. Product fulfillment pros are no exception. Up until the last decade or so, product fulfillment worked off of very traditional business practices—mail orders, cash on delivery (COD), and similar kinds of practice. Today, such practices seem almost antiquated. There’s a...
Putting It All Together—The Kitting Process in Product Fulfillment
So, is product fulfillment really a multitasking operation? Most product fulfillment pros would roll their eyes and say, “Duh.” Of course product fulfillment is a multitasking job—you’re shipping products, designing promotional material, and warehousing stock among many other jobs. Multitasking is the name of the game in product fulfillment. Since that’s the case, product fulfillment pros should take comfort in the fact that their clients trust them to complete all of these tasks the right way and that those clients will in turn compensate them for the work. Sure, it’s a tough task wrangling all of those jobs into one...