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How to Determine the Right Warehousing Facility

warehousing and storageIn product fulfillment, your warehousing facilities can be as valuable to your success as the products themselves. However, the warehouse itself is no longer enough to use your facilities effectively. Here are the other factors you need to consider to determine which warehousing facilities and features will best suit your business.


When researching warehousing and storage, keep in mind that the facility you use likely won’t be yours, but rather another business outsourcing it to you.

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Top Reasons to Outsource Your Warehousing and Distribution Needs

Warehousing and DistributionCosts are tight in fulfillment, meaning you have to save money wherever you can. If it’s difficult to pinpoint where to cut costs, consider outsourcing your warehousing and distribution as a catch-all solution to save money. Here are some reasons why outsourcing can be the cost-efficient answer.

1. Reduced Capital Investment

You might have the desire to do your own warehousing or own your own warehouse/storage unit, but with the fees for warehouse and fleet management, security, temperature controls, and other related costs, you may want to think twice. Having a third party handle it for you can save you money on all these charges.

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When Selecting an Order Fulfillment Warehouse, Location Matters

Warehouse locationWith modern technology, people now think they can do everything more or less remotely. For the most part, it’s true; you can do a lot of remote work and outsource many duties. But while you have some freedom in terms of your own location, you also have to consider the location of your third parties. This is especially important with warehousing fulfillment. Below are the long-term benefits:

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Changing Your Inventory Storage

Changing Your Inventory Storage

Late deliveries, poor product quality, bad product care; there are merchandise fulfillment problems faced by many fulfillment centers. These problems of course need to be rectified, but many businesses don’t even know the source of the problem, and by the time they figure it out, it’s too late to save the business.

Storage is an area that has become more refined to prevent these problems. If you’re questioning the quality of your warehousing facilities, here are some ways to repair the storage that holds your goods. 

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Dealing with Larger-Sized Products and Services in Product Fulfillment

warehousing and storage

Going Big

As one refugee from 1980s Hollywood noted, when life exceeds your dreams, that’s when you lose control. What this means is that one has to be prepared for bigger things in life so they can be properly managed.

If you work in product fulfillment, you have experience with “bigger things:” big orders, big client numbers, and especially big products being sold. And if a business fails to transition to handling bigger work, it’s not uncommon for that business to go under.

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How to Plot Your Yearly Product Fulfillment Business Schedule

How to Plot Your Yearly Product Fulfillment Business Schedule

There You Go

There’s the kids’ sports practice, then home for dinner—but only after you finish that online course component—and, time permitting, you have to stop and get ice cream and watch that football game you recorded.

And that’s just a typical day. Can you predict it? Probably not completely, especially if you’re a professional in your field with a family to care for.

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How to Cater to the Right Niche Market in Product Fulfillment

Product Fulfillment

Chosen Few

When we were kids, we dreamed of fame. We wanted to be professional athletes, rock stars, or maybe an A-list Hollywood star. These all seemed really cool and, at the time, very feasible.

But alas, we grew up and realized how limited our talents are. While we manage to realize a lot of our dreams, we might not fulfill all of them. We’re only human; limitations are something even Superman was forced to realize eventually.

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